Hello all! It's been a while since I post something here, but lately I've been busy on others projects. I thought this post is really worth it! I think I haven't enjoyed an Autumn as much as this year. After quitting my job and started doing freelancing I felt this Autumn was just what I needed. You know when they say that we humans have seasons too, well for me this season has been the perfect moment to let it all go, to shred the old me and start preparing for the new projects and beginnings that are yet to come.
As the winter approaches and Christmas decorations go up lighting up the streets, I felt the need to take some time for myself and just rest. After spending almost 7 years working full time jobs (and the last one being so miserable) I can finally take some me time. To be honest at the begging I felt incredibly guilty about not doing anything. I felt I always needed to stay busy in order for me to be a "good worker", but this time I just decided I needed to work on myself. I started to listen to my body and if it felt like resting, I'll rest, if it felt cold and shivering, I'll take a warm bath.
So that is why this Autumn will always be very special to be. I celebrate its colours, shades and hues, enjoying every moment of it. I will shred my old beliefs that are no longer serving me and I will make space for new things to come.
I hope you too learn to shred all that is no longer serving you.
Sending light and love your way!
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